bookmark_borderChange, romanian taxi and Uber drivers | Stand up comedy by Micutzu at iUmor 🤣

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bookmark_borderTe fac sa razi | Micutzu’s Special+ bonus Roast in Inchisoare (Teaser)
„Te fac sa razi! ” – Show-ul meu de la Palatul Copiilor, vine in curand in calculatoarele/tabletele/telefoanele voastre! Dupa 10 decembrie, pe veti gasi specialul meu plus bonus Roast in Penitenciar! Multumiri din suflet fratilor Subcarpati, Afo&Macanache pentru participare si celor 800 de oameni din sala! Pretul specialului va fi afisat pe site (intre 22-25 de lei) Va pupa fratele si sper sa va placa!

(C) & (P) Cosmin Nedelcu 2017
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.

bookmark_borderDespre Ponta si Iohannis | Micutzu Stand-up Comedy | Racing Pub Bucuresti

Stand up comedy. Deci glume.
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(C) & (P) Cosmin Nedelcu 2014
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.